
The Magic Pudding - Victorian Opera

The Dress Maker - Monash University

Blak Cabaret - Malthouse Theatre


Chloe Greaves' set is stylish and resonant, and frames the performers beautifully – The Age- ‘Incognito’

Chloe Greaves's costumes are nothing short of perfect. – Chris Boyd, The Australian - ‘The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant’

Chloe Greaves' sets and costumes are wonderful – a whimsical reflection of Lindsay's original illustrations. They make it easy for adults to remember reading the book and for children to be swept up in this true blue treasure. Bridget Davies The Age - ‘The Magic Pudding’

Chloe Greaves’ set is a wonderfully simple yet affective touch, providing Michael with a sense of grounding, community, and play. – Theatre Scenes Aukland - ‘HART’

But for mine the real stand-out from a production point of view would have to be Chloe Greaves’ costume design. Her make-up around the actors’ brows particularly lend them a grotesque, slightly simian quality, and their grey, asymmetrical outfits perfectly embody the spirit of Barker’s text. If I was putting together a production team, her name would be at the top of the list -Gareth Beal - Artshub -‘The Possibilities’

 Glorious and detailed costuming by Chloe Greaves – Arts Hub - ‘Therese Raquin’ 

Chloe Greaves’ costumes are delicate and perfect - The Herald Sun - ‘Pacific overtures’

Designer Chloe Greaves' working set is spectacularly oppressive. – ArtsHub on ‘The River’ 

Frocked up magnificently by Chloe GreavesAnne-Marie Peard, Arts hub - ‘Blak Caberet’

Deftly staged on Chloe Greaves well pitched design - Doug Night, Australian Stage ‘Fury’

Top marks to designer Chloe Greaves for her evocative sets and wonderful costumes, which preserve the look and feel of the original illustrations whilst adding plenty of individual flourishes of flair and style. – Theatre people - ‘The Magic Pudding’ 

The action was played out on an ingenious set designed by Chloe Greaves. It was a simple square that was easily adapted to suit several different scenes.- Eric Scott, The Blurb - Cinderella

The costumes by Chloe Greaves are just the right blend of high fashion and real world, and reveal plenty about the characters. – Ben Neutze, The Daily Review - ’The bitter tears of Petra von Kant Daily’ 

the set perfectly complimented by Chloe Greaves’ always excellent costume design, whose inspired costuming never fails to dazzle. - Tom Bensley -Theatre People - ‘Project: Hysteria‘

 There has clearly been a high level of collaboration between Battista and costume designer Chloe Greaves. From the clouds down to the sneakers, every element has the same cute hand-sketched look. Greaves’ painted costumes are beautifully realised, especially Lucy and Sally’s glossy, perky frocks. - Simon Paris - ‘You’re a good man Charlie Brown’

Chloe Greaves’ set and costume design were a source of delight throughout the piece – and I am still enjoying the charming illustrations in the program she provided. - Classic Melbourne - ‘The Grumpiest boy in the World’

 Chloe Greaves’ designs are a wonder to behold. – Simon Paris - ‘The Grumpiest bot in the world ‘